Lee Oskar G Major Diatonic Harmonica
Product Overview
Slide-Together Interlocking Cases
- Convenient for carrying multiple harps
- Color-coded tunings for fast, easy indexing
Durable Plastic Comb
- Eliminates swelling and shrinkage
- Projects loudly with a brightly balanced sound
- Wide chambers and narrow dividers for ease of playing
- Precision-molded, recessed bed secures reed plates and prevents air leakage
1st & 2nd Positions Clearly Identified
- At both ends of the comb
Replaceable Reed Plates
- Top quality brass
- Mounted to the comb with 3 Self-Tapping-Screws
Expertly Tuned to 441 Plus
- For a brighter sound
Equal Tuning by Octaves
- Excellent for single-note lead playing
Why throw out the whole harmonica just because one reed has become fatigued?
Lee Oskar Harmonicas provides players with a better solution.
- Replaceable reed plates (in every key) are an exclusive feature making it easy to revive your Lee Oskar Harmonica at about half the cost!
- Original comb and cover plates are recycled into the rebuilt harp.
- This simple process involves only three screws and two nuts/bolts.